

Loading up on a bunch of gear is REALLY fun, but getting fit, whether at the local globo gym or in your beloved garage or basement gym, is the whole point of it all. Thankfully, we love discussing things like workout tips and nutrition essentials as much as we like breaking down the specs of the newest power rack.

In this section, you'll find information on everything from general fitness to more sport-specific interests, most notably CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, powerlifting, and rucking. 

...because...it's much better when you actually USE all of that equipment than turning it into glorified clothing racks!

GORUCK Patches Ranked: Tiers A through K

Today, we’re going to look at the tiers of currently available/winnable/earnable GORUCK patches.

We’ll discuss the patches that should be proudly displayed on your gear for the world to see…and which ones are best left in an old shoebox somewhere.

The 9 Best Handstand Push-up Workouts

Today, we’re going to look at the most beloved (or, conversely, most hated) handstand push-up WODs. You know they’re going to show up eventually; may as well start practicing now!

The Top 15 Bench Press Accessory Exercises

Whether you’re looking to increase your bench press because you want to get stronger for something like powerlifting or you simply want to really work your chest and triceps, I guarantee you that you can benefit from working a bench press variation or accessory (or two) into your routine is going to do wonders for your bench press strength and muscle gainz.

A Calisthenics Diet: Need to Know Info to Fuel your Calisthenics Workout

If you get your nutrition on lock, you can experience almost immediate gainz in your body composition and performance.

Today, we’re not going to identify the best diet for calisthenics and we will cover key areas of consideration so that you can develop a proper diet to fuel you bodyweight mastery.

F45 vs Orangetheory … If You Must …

In recent years, both F45 and Orangetheory have been proposed as HIIT alternatives to CrossFit.

If you’re looking for a workout with greater-than-normal intensity with the confidence-boosting elements of the class structure, you might want to pay close attention to the showdown between these “functional fitness” newbies (“newbies” being a relative term in this case!)

How Much Does a Smith Machine Bar Weigh? Prepare to be Disappointed…

We all know that the Smith Machines makes the bar feel a bit lighter than “free” barbells (which we normally chalk up to the bar path being pretty much set), but..is it?

Today, we’re going to put this question to rest and while we can’t give an exact answer, we can discuss how much a Smith Machine bar can weigh.