
Loading up on a bunch of gear is REALLY fun, but getting fit, whether at the local globo gym or in your beloved garage or basement gym, is the whole point of it all. Thankfully, we love discussing things like workout tips and nutrition essentials as much as we like breaking down the specs of the newest power rack.

In this section, you'll find information on everything from general fitness to more sport-specific interests, most notably CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, powerlifting, and rucking.'s much better when you actually USE all of that equipment than turning it into glorified clothing racks!

Fancy A Deadlift WOD? 19 Of The Best to Destroy!

There is no better sign of mental toughness than grinding though the first 20 minutes of a killer deadlift WOD and still picking up a heavy barbell to close things out.

I mean, what other type of CrossFit workout is going to fatigue the body with running, rowing, swinging, and kipping only to ask you to essentially win a powerlifting competition halfway through?

Power Bar vs Olympic Bar – One Bar to Rule Them All!

There is always going to be a degree of personal preference involved with barbell selection.

However, the power bar vs Olympic bar debate is an important one.

Your training priorities will dictate whether you’ll want a power (or powerlifting) barbell or an Olympic (or Olympic weightlifting) barbell.

Your CrossFit Warm Up Will SAVE You…Trust Me

If you’ve ever walked up to a loaded barbell and attempted a heavy clean without warming up, you can probably speak to the importance of a warm up.

If you haven’t done this before, I wouldn’t suggest doing it. However, doing so will give you a much greater appreciation a proper CrossFit warm up!

24 CrossFit Partner WODs…Choose Wisely!

Grab a Strong Guy and a Fast Guy…you’ll probably have to lift AND run. A Gymnast Guy will help with the handstand push-ups

…or maybe get a Versatile Guy if your WOD requires the use of black or white magic…just to be safe.

Party assembled? Now crush these CrossFit Partner WODs!

Can You Survive The Top 30 Bodyweight CrossFit Workouts?

Take a look at the top 30 bodyweight CrossFit workouts and all of ways you can use just your body to push yourself to the limit.

For some of these, you’re going to have to think HARD…because they’re REALLY hard!

Either way, we’re going to look at the workouts and all of ways you can use just your body to push yourself to the limit.

CrossFit Fran: Sub 2:00 or Bust!

Fran is one of the most, if not THE most famous Crossfit named workout. One of “The Girls” of Crossfit, Fran is a short, tight couplet of thrusters and pull-ups.

If you’re not properly spacing your breaths during the thrusters, you’ll feel like you’re drowning in a sea of barbells. This special kind of fatigue that doesn’t just make breathing feel impossible, it jacks your heart rate up to “11”.