
Average 5K Time by Age? A Good 5K Time on a Trail Run? We Got ALL the Data!

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I’d be willing to bet that if you clicked on this article in search of the average 5K time by age group that you have a pretty good idea of what a 5K is.

If this is you, we’ll get right to some of the most prominent 5K statistics (want some more info on 5Ks in general? Don’t worry! We’ll get to that part in just a little while!)

So…what is the “average 5K time by age”…what is a good 5K time…?

average 5k times by age

If you’re a male between 20 and 34, you’re an “intermediate” runner (defined as someone who is “faster than 50% of runners”), you’re looking at a 22:31 average 5K time. If you’re a male between 45 and 49, this time is closer to 24:38 and if you’re between 55 and 59, the average time is 26:40.

These times assume a more or less “level”, “easy” running surface and course. For those who want to know the average 5K time by age on trails, these numbers jump up to 26:2528:56, and 31:17 respectively.

If you’re a female between 20 and 34 and are also an “intermediate” runner, a 26:07 would be the average 5k time by age-grouped women. For those between 45 and 49, the average time is 27:47 and for those between 55 and 59, the time is 30:54.

In a similar manner as the men, on trail runs, the average 20-34 female 5K time is 30:38. For those between 45 and 49 the average time is 32:35 and for those between 55 and 59, the time is 36:15.

Got the info you needed? That’s great…but what about the “elite’s” average 5K time by age? Or “novice” runners’ average 5k times on trails? Stick with us because we’re going to cover it all!

What is the 5K/What is a 5K in Miles?

If you’re reading this in any country in the world besides the United States, UK, Liberia, and Myanmar, you probably have a pretty good idea of what a “K” is. For those stuck on Imperial or “Freedom Units”, the K(ilometer) is roughly equivalent to .62 miles.

So…how long is a 5K in miles? Well, stick 5 of them together in a challenging, but not overly long foot race and you have ~3.1 miles.


How the 5K Compares to Other Distances

To newer runners, the 5K length might seem a bit daunting in comparison to the 1 and 2-mile distances they may be more familiar with.

To more experienced runners, a 5K might be more of a “warm up” relative to the common 10K, 10-mile, and marathon (26.2-mile) races that they might be more accustomed to. 

As it is, the real challenge of the 5K comes in the personal pacing of the race. The world-record holder who flies to a sub-13:00 5K might find the race to be a little more taxing than the casual walker who finishes closer to 50:00.

…hence the desire to explore the “good” and average 5K time by age!

What is the Average 5k Time by Age? What is a Good 5K Time?

Unlike finding other common age-group, running-related statistics (such as those we calculated for the Murph event), 5K statistics aren’t too hard to find. The wonderful people at runninglevel.com have calculated these for just about every age group imaginable.


(sorry adolescent, centenarian, and…”novelty” runners…I got nothing for you this time!)

Below we have the percentile times for each age group for 5Ks in general.

These percentiles require a bit more explanation; let’s discuss each of the different “running abilities” presented in this analysis:

According to Running Level a “Beginner” is faster than 5% of runners, has recently started running and has run for at least a month. While a “Novice” is faster than 20% of runners and has run regularly for at least six months.

Advanced” runners are faster than 80% of other runners and most have been running for over 5 years. Finally, “Elite” runners are faster than 95% of other runners and have dedicated more than 5 years specifically to becoming competitive runners.

While the percentile ranks on these times are pretty accurate, the descriptions aren’t necessarily set in stone. When I was running a lot of 5Ks 10 years ago, I didn’t really do much running “training”. I mainly did CrossFit, kettlebell work, and typical “bro gym” workouts and still generally hovered on the fringes (sometimes a little faster, sometimes a little slower) of “Advanced”.

Make of that what you will!

…but the real question (I’m sure you’re all asking!) is, “what is an ‘average’ 5K course”?


Yeah…if you weren’t thinking about that before, you’re definitely thinking of it now!

Unless you’re content to run on the same, 400-meter, 8-lane track for your entire life, you’re going to run into some variance during your runs. 

Hills, pavement, sharp turns, traffic lights,..all of these things can affect your 5K time and performance. 

Unfortunately, we can’t provide general statistical information to account for all of these contingencies, but we can provide data to help you go deeper down the average 5K time by age rabbit hole…

5K Trail Run Times by Age!

So…how did we get these times?

Anyone who has completed a trail run 5K knows that the experience is just a tad different than competing on an even, level surface. The good people at trailandsummit.com confirm this, stating “a good trail running pace is roughly 10 to 20 percent slower than your average road running pace.”

I can personally confirm this as I completed a “standard” 5K and a trail run a few weeks apart (back in my 5K days…I’m much older than a dapper 26 now!)

Doing that math, my trail run time was 1.17 times longer than my other time…falling right in the middle of that 10-20 percent slower pace Trail and Summit mentioned (put another way, I was only 85.28% as fast during my trail run as I was during the “standard” race).

I took that 1.17 modifier and applied it to all of the age group 5K times from earlier to determine the percentile and good 5K times for your “average” trail run.

Of course, every trail and hill is different. Just take a look at what those who take on the “Bridge Run” at the Sidney Lanier Bridge in Brunswick, Georgia gotta deal with.

Nobody is going to try an “apples to apples” comparison of that 5K with what they ran on their high school track on a deserted Saturday morning!

While not perfect, these stats give you more support when your runner friends are heckling you over your slower-than-normal 5K times.

(“but it was a trail run, guys! Just check out this random website’s difficulty multiplier!”)

You’re welcome!

Top 5K Times

Of course, you’re going to want to know some of the top 5k finishing times in history. Even if you’re the elite of the elite, it’s gonna take quite a bit of training (as well as ideal genetics!) to sniff these numbers!

As of June 10, 2023, the fastest male 5k time of all time was clocked by Uganda’s Joshua Cheptegei…a blistering 12:35:36

On the female’s side, the fastest official 5K time on record is attributed to Ethiopia’s Letesenbet Gidey. She turned in a not too shabby time of 14:06.62.

Also, in case you’re wondering, just about all of the top times in history were clocked by men and women in the “sweet spot” 20-30 age range. It is incredibly difficult to find a world class time outside of this range (especially at the higher end). So if you’ve aged into the master’s category and still have your sights set on a world record performance…well…don’t shoot the messenger!


How to Train for a 5K

For those inspired by the world record performances or who simply want to “graduate” from the “beginner” to the “novice” category, we have a few tips on things to consider when preparing for your next (or first!) 5K. This list is far from comprehensive as we’ll be putting together a dedicated 5K training piece in the near future (be on the lookout!)


Bet you didn’t think this one would be first on the list! However, when we think about some of the “easy wins” when it comes to 5K training, even a few minor nutrition changes can go a long way in contributing to distance running success.

For simplicity’s sake, those new to “training nutrition” will want to focus on ingesting the “right” carbohydrate sources (slow-digesting carbs that have low glycemic index scores). Whole-grain breads, nuts and seeds, as well as sweet potatoes and beans should be prioritized over quickly digested carb sources (white breads, refined sugars, crackers, sweets).

The slow-digesting carbs will ensure that the body is provided with energy over time (as opposed to being subjected to a quick “spike” as it would by high glycemic carbs) and most of these foods are also high in fiber, a non-digestible carbohydrate that, nevertheless, provides numerous health benefits.


Another nutrition topic to take into consideration is simply how much less stress is put onto the joints at lower body weights. Considering the duration of a 5K, large degrees of excess body weight will not only slow a runner down, but can contribute to additional pain and soreness

A nutritional program that works to reduce excess body fat can not only help a runner to finish faster, but will also make their run more comfortable and less painful (I mean, if you’re running hard, it’s still gonna be kinda painful, though!)

Strength Training

Bet you really didn’t expect to see this one so high on the list! Nevertheless, strength training is an important component of 5K training for new and experienced runners, alike.

For those who aren’t able to run for a significant amount of time, barbell training has been shown to improve the VO2 max in lifters independent of any type of endurance-based training. In addition to strengthening the muscles and bones, untrained runners can increase their cardiovascular capacity before they even set foot on a track!

For seasoned runners, consider increasing your absolute strength in order to increase your aerobic capabilities. This phenomenon is largely associated with the relationship between power production and output. A runner who is able to produce the power to execute each stride with less personal effort than another runner will be able to run faster/fatigue more slowly with all other factors being equal. 

On a personal note, when I was competing in 5Ks, I would consistently finish in the top 5-10 finishers and always placed in my age group. I also lifted weights in some capacity or another 4-5 days per week and ran exactly two days per week (to include race day). 

I was a runner once…and young…

definitely could have placed better with a better-designed training regimen, but I know that my barbell training combined to create a VO2 max and power combination that was sufficient for top 10 finishes (with large, upper-body muscles to boot!)

Endurance Training

Of course, endurance-based training, specifically running training, is going to make up the lion’s share of your 5K training. Whether this involves long tempo pieces, interval training, or some combination of the two, you’re going to want to devote a bit of time and effort to ensuring that race day is the “easy” part of your training regimen.

If you’re brand new to training, your regimen will likely be comprised of increasingly longer sessions, allowing your endurance and stamina to build over a number of weeks. Programs like the famous “Couch to 5K” are excellent at prepping new runners for their first race in a relatively short period of time.

Experienced runners likely already possess the capacity to complete a 5K and instead focus on methods to run a faster 5K. This can involve the aforementioned strength training (to increase power output) as well as running longer distances (making the shorter 5K feel “easier” in relation). 


Challenging terrain/elevations and methods like “Fartlek” training (where runners alternate between moderate and hard efforts) are incorporated to condition the body to a multitude of oppressive stimuli.

Ultimately, major lifestyle changes do not need to be made in any of the discussed 5K training and preparation areas in order to successfully complete a 5K. However, any deliberate combination of these three areas will lead in, likely significant, race performance!

Go Run a Faster-than-Average 5K!

The 5K is a wonderful race event. With thousands of races scheduled throughout the United States in any given year and being an event that requires little skill or superior athletic ability to complete, it is a fitness endeavor that is truly accessible to everybody.

However, if you’re reading this article, you don’t want to be everybody.

You don’t even want to clock the average 5K time by age groups you’re associated with.

You want to clock a good 5K time…a good 5k time for your age…a good 5k time on a trail run…a good 5k time…whenever!


Check out your competition’s times above one last time and get training; we’ll see you at the finish line!

Want to blast your VO2 max training into hyperdrive? Check out how the Assault Bike can complement your 5k training or tackle one of the top CrossFit endurance-enhancing WODs!

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Tom, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, ISSA-CPT, PN1-NC, DPA, CAPM has been CrossFitting for over 10 years. He has participated in a number of team and individual CrossFit competitions across Europe and the United States. He was the 2012 Chick-fil-A Race Series champion (North Georgia Circuit) and has put together a few gnarly garage and basement gyms in his time!

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